In Tips,

Tips Memotret Refleksi Pada Air

In Best Moment, Landscape

Pemandangan di Ibu Kota Yang Tak Kalah Menarik

In Tips,

8 Tips Foto Panning

In Best Moment, Macro

Bokeh oh Bokeh Gak Dapat-dapat Efeknya

In Best Moment, Macro

Hunting Lebah with Macro Buatan at Monas

In Best Moment, Macro

Macro : Lensa Buatan dari Poncol Lalat Colonies

In Best Moment, Still Life

Still Life Dadakan at Monas my Phone Galaxy Mini

In Tips,

Tips Mengenai Foto Makro

In Tips,

Istilah-istilah Dalam Fotografi

In Architectures,

Building Silhouette at Gajah Mada

In Best Moment, Tilt Shift

Tilt Shift at Kebun Raya Bogor

In Model,

Model Dadakan Gath. Jakarta coferONE

In Still Life,

Still Life Ultah Bunda Yang Ke 21 With BB Storm 1

In Best Moment, Macro

Hunting Lalat Kawin di Pagi Hari 18 September 2012

In Best Moment, Still Life

Still Life Dadakan at Kebun Raya Bogor by Rayyan Pabo

In Best Moment, Macro

Hunting Lalat di Pagi Hari 18 September 2012

In Perspective,

Perspective Memetik Monas Dengan Hanphone

In Best Moment, Macro

Kepik With Macro Lens

In Macro,

Lalat Yang Terjepret Macro Lens at Kebun Raya Bogor

In Texture,

Jepretan Texture di Sebatang Pohon at Kebun Raya Bogor

In Best Moment, HDR

HDR Imaging at Monas

In Best Moment, Macro

Hunting Lalat With Macro Lens dan Galaxy Mini

In Best Moment, Landscape

Dibuang Sayang with HP China Tittan

In Flora,

Flower at Gathering Jakarta Kebun Raya Bogor coferONE

In Macro,

Gathering coferONE | at Kebun Raya Bogor Part 3

In Architectures,

Gathering coferONE | at Kebun Raya Bogor Part 2

In Architectures, HDR

Gathering coferONE | at Kebun Raya Bogor Part 1

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