Hi, Sobat phonegraphy yang hobby banget nih sama yang namanya montage atau penggabungan beberapa foto menjadi satu frame kali ini ada tutorial yang dipersembahkan oleh @_bima_ yang akan memberikan pembelajaran tentang editing MONTAGE melalui HANDPHONE atau smartphone dengan OS Android, ada baiknya kita kenal dulu sedikit profilenya Bang _bima_ ini ya sebelum lanjut membahas tutorialnya :
Instagram : @_bima_
"Forget to Breathe 1% Android, 999% Revelations"
MOD : cs_emotion
MB : fotodroids | idandrography | sKandalist | hdrdarkside | hdrclubnations | BWIC | rsa_graphics
Ini hasil akhri dari tutorial yang akan kita pelajari nih sobat phonegraphy :
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- I use Android device for snapping & editing. Editing applications for this one are PicSay Pro and Snapseed.
- I use 4 elements to be blended :
- Pic A: Laughing Jesus (courtesy of Soulsheperding)t
- Pic B: Satan (courtesy of Ghaith85)
- Pic C: Lens Flare stock (from device)
- Pic D: Fire (courtesy of DeviantART)
- The first step is adding Satan pic on fire element using Insert Images feature on PicSay pro. Layer it, arrange the location and scale, then brush it (Pic E).
- Bring Laughing Jesus pic on it. Same way as the previous step (Pic F).
- Bring lens flare behind Jesus head. Same way as the previous step (Pic G).
- Import to Snapseed app to give some overcooked art HDR effect on it. Fully boosting the Structure and Ambiance effects, then give it an half of Drama filter.
- Bring it back to Picsay Pro for toning finishing. I added Spot Light, Smooth, Soft Glow, Temperature, Contrast, Exposure Sharpen effects on it. All done (Pic H).
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